首旅酒店今年3月8日发布“关于收到《中国证监会行政许可项目审查一次反馈意见通知书》的公告”。公告称,申请材料显示,首旅酒店拟通过重大现金购买如家酒店集团 65.13%股权, 通过发行股份购买如家酒店集团 34.87%股权。申请材料显示,发行股份购买资产和重大现金购买交易完成后,如家酒店集团将从美国 Nasdaq Global Market 退市。证监会要求首旅酒店补充披露如家酒店集团从美国 Nasdaq Global Market 退市的后续安排、需履行的相关程序及对交易完成后上市公司的影响。请独立财务顾问和律师核查并发表明确意见。
Bad internet that drops connection routinely. Had to change rooms three times the first night due to various issues....such as lack of bathroom lights, door opening issues, and even the new room is missing g lights. The area is terribly unpleasant and this is, despite being a JingJiang Inn Select hotel, by far the worst hotel overall that I have ever stayed in in China. even the regular JinJiang Hotels are far superior. There is also no meal service nor drinks sold. Despite there being not many foreigners who stay here and despite the staff inexperoence in dealing with them, the attention to my concerns has been surprisingly fast and sincere...so this is a great factor despite the poor facilities and grubby area.