海航集团北美有限公司于2015年11月6日完成对于美国纽约上州度假中心Hudson Valley Resort & Spa的收购,整个收购项目涉及金额1380万美元,完成收购后项目将改名为HNA Hudson Valley Resort and Training Center LLC。
HNA Hudson Valley Resort and Training Center,位于纽约州北部克洪克森县Granite公路400号,紧邻纽约州立国家公园,酒店距纽约市中心约100英里,占地面积570.85英亩,建筑面积约21.3万平方英尺,本次收购的是全部土地及其附属的休闲娱乐设施,包括270间房间、会议及休闲设施、高尔夫球场、骑马及滑雪设施,及大小湖泊两处等。
海航酒店集团还将充分挖掘HNA Hudson Valley Resort and Training Center的自身潜力,不断增加打猎、骑马、搭乘直升机、滑雪等娱乐项目,将其建设成为纽约市民度假的不二选择。同时,也为国人打造度假休闲首选海外酒店,以及国事访问的首选涉外接待酒店。
Bad internet that drops connection routinely. Had to change rooms three times the first night due to various issues....such as lack of bathroom lights, door opening issues, and even the new room is missing g lights. The area is terribly unpleasant and this is, despite being a JingJiang Inn Select hotel, by far the worst hotel overall that I have ever stayed in in China. even the regular JinJiang Hotels are far superior. There is also no meal service nor drinks sold. Despite there being not many foreigners who stay here and despite the staff inexperoence in dealing with them, the attention to my concerns has been surprisingly fast and sincere...so this is a great factor despite the poor facilities and grubby area.