2月3日消息,曼谷文华东方酒店于2016年1月27日举办了盛大的典礼,庆祝这间传奇酒店开业140周年。泰国公主殿下Sirivannavari Nariratana主持了庆典。酒店所属两大公司的高层:文华东方酒店集团行政总裁倪德祈(Edouard Ettedgui)与意泰开发有限公司(Italian-Thai Development Company Limited)高级执行副总裁Nijaporn Charanachitta女士一同在场迎接了500位尊贵宾客的到来,其中包括国家旅游部部Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul女士、酒店旅游行业领袖、国际名流及酒店全球的众多忠实粉丝。酒店的河畔露台餐厅为宾客们准备了盛大的晚宴,客人们在此感受酒店浓厚的文化历史气息之余,更可欣赏湄南河畔璀璨绚烂的烟花表演。
酒店总经理Amanda Hyndman女士在庆典上对于酒店传奇的悠久历史引以为傲,表示:“我们在注重保留历史文化底蕴与传统元素的基础上,不断满足宾客与时俱进的多方需求,这也是几十年来我们酒店成功的关键所在。今夜,让我们共同庆祝曼谷文华东方酒店所取得的骄人成就,并满怀希冀期待酒店更美好的未来。”
自1947年就职于曼谷文华东方酒店的Ankana Kalantananda女士是酒店的元老级员工,在当晚获得了最热烈的掌声。她回忆说“当年的房价每晚大约为100泰铢,而当时的东方酒店已在每个房间配备了电风扇,被公认为奢华酒店实属当之无愧。”
Bad internet that drops connection routinely. Had to change rooms three times the first night due to various issues....such as lack of bathroom lights, door opening issues, and even the new room is missing g lights. The area is terribly unpleasant and this is, despite being a JingJiang Inn Select hotel, by far the worst hotel overall that I have ever stayed in in China. even the regular JinJiang Hotels are far superior. There is also no meal service nor drinks sold. Despite there being not many foreigners who stay here and despite the staff inexperoence in dealing with them, the attention to my concerns has been surprisingly fast and sincere...so this is a great factor despite the poor facilities and grubby area.