据悉,世茂集团近日签约上海新长宁集团,共同打造旗下高端概念型酒店品牌“MiniMax Premier睿选尚品”酒店。据了解,这是世茂集团首家自主品牌酒店。在业内人士看来,此举拉开了世茂酒店及度假村在全国布局自主品牌的序幕。
世茂酒店及度假村旗下目前有6家酒店,拥有总客房数为2679间,全部由外资酒店管理品牌管理,其中4家为高端酒店,2家为中端酒店。世茂首家自主品牌酒店——睿选尚品酒店将成为该品牌旗舰店,共有客房352间,并将于明年6月正式开业迎宾。公开资料显示,世茂在引入外资酒店管理品牌之外,也在积极培育自主品牌。目前其业务布局已经涵盖多元化品牌,包括御榕庄、茂御酒店、世御酒店、茂御居服务公寓以及MiniMax睿选酒店和MiniMax Premier睿选尚品。
Bad internet that drops connection routinely. Had to change rooms three times the first night due to various issues....such as lack of bathroom lights, door opening issues, and even the new room is missing g lights. The area is terribly unpleasant and this is, despite being a JingJiang Inn Select hotel, by far the worst hotel overall that I have ever stayed in in China. even the regular JinJiang Hotels are far superior. There is also no meal service nor drinks sold. Despite there being not many foreigners who stay here and despite the staff inexperoence in dealing with them, the attention to my concerns has been surprisingly fast and sincere...so this is a great factor despite the poor facilities and grubby area.